Monday, 6 October 2008

Does the European Parliament have a role to play ?

Published the 29/01/2007 by EPP-ED Group.

The Future of Professional Football. Rapporteur Ivo Belet encourages more self-regulation.

The Culture & Education Committee of the European Parliament today adopted the report by Belgian MEP Ivo Belet (EPP-ED) on the future of professional football in Europe with a large majority.

Parliament's primary objectives are to tackle the legal uncertainty surrounding football, to provide an answer to negative evolutions (money laundering, fraud, gambling, etc.) and to stimulate a competitive balance.

Ivo Belet said: "As football has both an economic and non-economic dimension, it finds itself in a legal vacuum which leads to a proliferation of court cases and corruption. Given the important social and educational role of football, we can't just watch this sport being ruled by case law and being eroded by business interests. Parliament therefore encourages the responsible governing bodies to better regulate their own activities."

A crucial element for Parliament is the creation of a level playing field. Belet continued: "To guarantee financial stability and a competitive balance between teams, we encourage the development of a cost-control system that could be integrated in the UEFA licensing system. We don't want to impose new regulation here; we are asking that the responsible organisations themselves develop such a system." Furthermore, Parliament is in favour of an independent supervisory body monitoring the financial activities of clubs, again to be set up by the football organisations themselves.

In addition, Parliament supports UEFA’s 'home-grown players' measure which requires teams to have a minimum set number of locally-trained players. As clubs often give contracts to very young players, additional measures are required to avoid child trafficking.

Parliament also wants strict standards and criteria concerning players’ agents, preferably to be established via the self-regulatory approach. If UEFA is unsuccessful in setting up an efficient system, Parliament asks the Commission to present a proposal for a directive.

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